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          Miniature Automatic Thermal Aerosol Fire Extinguishing Device


          2017 Best Automatic Miniature Condensed Aerosol Fire Extinguishing Generator

          Release time:2017-05-18 13:57:26    Views:

          2017 Best Automatic Miniature Condensed Aerosol Fire Extinguishing Generator

          Fire Extinguishing Generator Specification:

          Aerosol Fire Extinguisher Model No.  


          Protecting Space per Set

          0.2 CBM

          Fire Extinguishing Generator Size

          115 X 95 X 24mm

          Rated dosage per Set (kg)

          0.03 Kg

          Release time

           ≤ 5S
          Start-up Mode Automatically / Manually
          Agent Validity 10 years                                        

          Aerosol Fire Extinguisher Suitable for Critical Places which Prone to Fire but can't be extinguished by water:

          Hengshen Aerosol Fire Extinguisher for Vehicles:

          Over 40 High Technology National Patents 

          Hengshen Aerosol Fire Extinguisher can be deliverd and used in the most safe and stable status:

          Test Approved:

          Our Factory and Office:


          Email me directly:Aaronlv@hs-safety.cn


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